Funding and withdrawals FAQs

Charges FAQs

Yes. A monthly inactivity charge of £10 (the amount depends on your account currency) will be deducted per dormant account where funds are available. An account shall be considered dormant if there are no open positions and there has been no other trading activity for a continuous period of one year. The monthly inactivity charge of £10 (or its equivalent in another currency) will be deducted from a dormant account, usually within the first two (UK) working days of the month, until either:
1. The account is closed by the client or Blackwave Markets.
2. Trading activity recommences on the account.
3. The balance of the account is reduced to zero.
Once the balance of a dormant account has reduced to zero, we will not deduct further monthly inactivity charges from the dormant account. A dormant account will not incur a negative balance as a result of the deduction of the monthly inactivity charge. If you decide to reactivate your dormant account by trading again, the inactivity charge for up to three previous months (up to a maximum of £30) where this has already been deducted will be refunded to your account.
The overnight holding rate used when calculating the applicable holding costs on FX comes from the tom-next rate, which is the difference between the two currencies’ interest rates, with an additional 0.0027% Blackwave Markets charge added. Learn more about holding costs.
This depends on the information you provided in your application form. You are classified as a 'non-private investor' for market data purposes if you meet one or more of the following conditions: You are not a natural person (meaning that you are not an individual) You access and use the market data and similar information for a commercial purpose or as a principal, officer, partner, employee or agent of any business or in connection with the professional management of third-party assets and not solely in an individual and personal capacity for your own personal investment activities You are a financial institution or are registered with a securities agency, regulatory or self-regulatory body You are engaged in a financial service business and are employed as a financial adviser for the purposes of your agreement and trading activities with Blackwave Markets You engage in the business of accessing or aggregating the market data or similar information and redistributing or otherwise furnishing that information to any third parties If any of these apply to you and you subscribe to any market data price feeds for share CFDs, you will be charged the 'non-private investor' rate, which may be higher than the 'private investor' rate. Details of the charges can be found on the platform in the ‘market data’ section in ‘user preferences’.

Price adjustments FAQs

If you have a buy position, for example, on a company which announces a dividend, your account will be credited/debited prior to market open on the day the stock goes 'ex-dividend'. Here's a typical example: StarHub announces a 15cent dividend You currently hold 3000 units of StarHub 15cent x 3000 = $450 $450 will be credited to your CFD account. Please note that the amount you are credited or debited will be subject to the relevant tax holding rates according to the region in which the share is listed.
When a stock goes ex-dividend, ignoring other market forces, the value of that stock effectively falls by the dividend amount. In most cases this will in turn cause the index value to drop since the value of the index is calculated from the value of the stocks within it. The amount that the index drops is dependent on the weighting of the stock within the index. If more than one constituent stock of an index goes ex-dividend on the same day, we will add the amount of points each stock will cause the index to drop by together to calculate the total dividend amount in relation to the relevant index CFD offered by us.
In the event that a listed issuer of a security (on which you hold an open CFD position with us) announces a share sub-division or share consolidation, or makes changes to its capital structure by way of rights issues, bonus issues or cash dividend payments, we will make an appropriate adjustment on the relevant listed share CFD on the ex-date or the corporate action effective day.
With a rights issue, a company will offer its shareholders a chance to buy newly issued shares, usually at a discounted price, before they are offered to the public.
Price adjustments may be applied to your account where you are holding positions on relevant CFD shares or cash indices.
How do company stock splits affect my account? How do company stock splits affect my account? Stock splits are usually undertaken when the value of a company's stock is becoming too high. The company will essentially offer more stocks in the company but at a lower price. Here's a typical example: You hold 300 units in company Q at a price of 1607 per share. Q announces on R date, that it will be issuing a stock split of 5 for 1. Hence for every 1 stock you hold you will be issued 5. Now you will hold 1500 units at the reduced price of 321.4. Note the overall contract value remains the same: (300 units x 1607 = 4821; 1500 units x 321.4 = 4821)
As you would have benefitted from the artificial price movement at the time where in fact you shouldn’t have, the equivalent amount is debited from your account in order to offset this. Overall, you do not lose or gain anything due to this price adjustment.

ID verification FAQs

It’s a legal requirement that we verify all our clients’ identities before we can open a trading account for them, so we’ve tried to make this as easy as possible. Providing us with a photo of your ID document – and of your face – during sign-up allows us to quickly confirm your identity without compromising on security. This enables us to get your account up and running more efficiently.
The images of your face and ID document, along with the other personal details you provide as part of your application, are used to verify your identity. We check your name and address against credit reference agencies and use your ID document and selfie to verify who the person applying for the account is. This is a basic legal requirement for financial services providers like Blackwave Markets, and all banks. Our identity checks are powered by Onfido, who handle the identity verification process for us. Onfido processes photo ID and facial biometrics to provide an expert, globally-recognised identity verification service. Once the checks have been completed, your personal data is stored securely on our systems. Please see our privacy policy for more information on how we store your data.
We start processing your application and, if we have all the information needed and you meet the requirements for a trading account, your application is approved. Sometimes we might need a bit more information from you in order to approve your application after you’ve submitted your details and finished the application process. If this is the case, we’ll email you to let you know what you need to do next.
The identity verification check doesn’t affect your credit rating. It leaves an ‘Identity Generic (IG) Footprint’, also known as a ‘soft footprint’, on your credit file. This footprint isn’t visible to lenders and you’ll only see it if you ask one of the credit bureaus for your credit file.

Trading problems FAQs

Sometimes you will be unable to buy or sell a product on the platform. There could be a number of reasons for this, but typically, it's when the regulator imposes restrictions or there's a lack of liquidity in the market. To list CFD shares on our platform, a number of parameters need to be met. This includes the requirement for each company to have a market capitalisation of at least £150m. If the parameters are not met, then we may not allow clients to buy/sell at that given time.
The premium charged for guaranteed stop-loss order (GSLO) will vary by instrument and depend on your trade size. The estimated cost will be displayed on order tickets before you agree to apply a GSLO to a position, and will automatically be deducted from your cash balance once you have confirmed the GSLO. The GSLO is refunded in full if the GSLO order is not triggered. Learn how we calculate our GSLO premiums.
Yes you can. Click on the 'Accounts' tab and then 'Positions' on the trading platform to see your separate position clusters, or an amalgamated total with your average entry price.
You can reset your password by selecting ‘Forgotten Password’ on the login page. We will then send instructions for changing your password to the email address you use to log into your account.
To amend your registered email address, please contact our Client Management team by phone or send a request from your email address. In order to make the change we may ask you to confirm other personal details we hold for you on our records.
Some stocks have restrictions placed on them, because of which you can only buy the stock but not short it.
Our Risk Management team determines the minimum distance for GSLOs on specific instruments, depending on market volatility and the risk preference of that instrument on the day.
If you remove a guaranteed stop-loss order (GSLO) from an open position, convert it to a regular or trailing stop-loss order, or close out the position yourself, we will credit your account with the GSLO premium charge in full.
Sometimes you will be unable to buy or sell a product on the platform. There could be a number of reasons for this, but typically, it's when the regulator imposes restrictions or there's a lack of liquidity in the market. To list CFD shares on our platform, a number of parameters need to be met. This includes the requirement for each company to have a market capitalisation of at least US$150m. If the parameters are not met, then we may not allow clients to buy/sell at that given time.
Please make sure you have taken into account any additional costs, such as overnight holding costs, the premium for guaranteed stop-loss orders, or commissions on share CFD trades. Profit and loss on CFD trading accounts is calculated in the currency where the product is domiciled and then converted into your account currency.
If you're currently long (with a buy position), make sure you're looking at a sell chart (you can change the chart type at the bottom of the chart itself). If you're short (with a sell position), make sure you're looking at a buy chart. If you still feel the stop loss should have been executed, please contact our Client Management team.
We offer CFDs on a large number of FX pairs abd this can be traded on the same platform as other CFD products. We don't, however, offer physical FX trading.
To amend your registered email address, please contact our Client Management team by phone or send a request from your email address. In order to make the change we may ask you to confirm other personal details we hold for you on our records.
If you have any queries relating to your trading account, for example you wish to contest something about your account, whether relating to an open or closed position, please call our Client Management team immediately so we can take action as quickly as possible.

Security FAQs

We may use your information to make further enquiries about you, including checks to combat fraud. We do not sell your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes. For further information, please read our privacy and security policy, which explains in more detail how we deal with the personal information you provide us.
Two-factor authentication, or 2FA, will be increasingly familiar to those who use online banking or make payments online. It involves receiving a one-time password (OTP) from your bank, and entering that OTP when prompted, when you log into your account or making an online payment. You can choose to receive OTPs either through a mobile app, which will typically involve scanning a QR code on screen, or by SMS. In the unlikely event that either method should fail, the other will be available as an alternative. Should both methods fail, or be unavailable, for instance if you have difficulty receiving messages while overseas, we can provide OTPs over the phone. For more information on how to set up 2FA, please visit our learn section. Once you have switched on 2FA for your account, it will become a mandatory step in the login process each time you access your account, through our online trading platform and mobile apps.

Complaints FAQs

Customer enquiries and requests
Our goal is to ensure a high level of service to all our customers at all times. We value any feedback from our customers and use it to improve our products and service.
We are aware that mistakes may happen from time to time or misunderstandings may arise. We commit ourselves to dealing with inquiries and complaints in a positive and understanding way. In cases in which we are wrong, we will endeavor to remedy any error as quickly as possible.
Customer complaints
If your request has not been resolved to your satisfaction or if you wish to file a complaint, please contact our Customer Service.
If your complaint is in relation to an account you hold with Blackwave Markets Germany GmbH, you can at anytime contact the German regulatory authority, the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht:
Banking and insurance spervision:
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
Graurheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn
Fax: + 49 (0) 228 4108-1550
Securities supervision / asset management: Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28, 60439 Frankfurt am Main
Fax: + 49 (0) 228 4108-123
Telephone: +49 (0) 228/4108 - 0
Email: poststelle@bafin.de
Internet: www.bafin.de
In addition, if you are a consumer, you can contact the Public Arbitration Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank with brief descriptions of the facts and the documents required to understand the complaint.
The address of the arbitration board is:
German Bundesbank
Arbitration board
PO Box 11 12 32
60047 Frankfurt am Main
Further information, in particular a leaflet and the conciliation regulations are available on the website of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
Complaints handling and escalation to the regulator/ombudsman Regardless of whether the complaint is in relation to an account you hold with Blackwave Markets Germany GmbH or Blackwave Markets UK plc, if you raise your complaint directly with us, we will promptly acknowledge receipt of your complaint and provide you with a contact person. Your complaint will be handled by a person who was not directly involved in the concerns of your complaint.
We strive to process your complaint as quickly as possible and to communicate the result to you. If we are unable to respond to your complaint within 5 business days of receipt, we will keep you informed of the status of your complaint until our investigation is completed.
The investigation into your complaint is based on: the facts of the complaint, the evidence you provide, evidence from our records, and appropriate regulatory guidelines. We will inform you in writing, which is the result of your complaint including detailed justification and the calculation of a possible compensation, where applicable.
If your complaint has not been resolved within 8 weeks of receipt, we will contact you in writing with the following:
An explanation of why we were unable to provide a final response to your complaint by that time and indicate when we expect to be able to make such a final assessment.
We will also inform you that you can turn to the relevant ombudsman/regulatory body with the complaint in case you are not satisfied with our final rating and send you relevant contact details/information.
If your complaint is in relation to an account you hold with Blackwave Markets Germany GmbH you can contact the German regulatory authority, the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht or the Public Arbitration Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, the details for which are provided above.
If your complaint is in relation to an account you hold with Blackwave Markets UK plc you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (“FOS”). You may contact the FOS if you are dissatisfied with the final assessment or if we need more than 8 weeks from receipt of the complaint for the final assessment. If you wish the FOS to accept your complaint, you should contact them within 6 months of receiving our final review.
The FOS is an independent body with the aim of resolving financial disputes between consumers and financial service providers. The service of the FOS is free of charge. The contact details of the FOS are as follows:
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 0 234 567
A copy of the leaflet of the FOS can be found under the following link:

CFD user guide

This concise guide will help familiarise you with our intuitive Next Generation trading platform. Learn how you can find CFD instruments on the platform, access market news and charts, place different types of orders, monitor positions, get live help and more.
View Guide

Top FAQs

You can reset your password by selecting ‘Forgotten Password’ on the login page. We will then send instructions for changing your password to the email address you registered when you opened your account.
Yes. We offer a free demo account containing virtual funds. This allows you to try out our platform in a risk-free environment and practise trading strategies and techniques. Please note that our demo account doesn't display prices for share spread bets and CFDs. All you need to do to open a demo account is provide a valid email address, your full name, phone number and password. Open a demo account now. Once you have opened a demo account, you will need to click on the verification link sent to your registered email address to activate it.
You can fund your account using a credit or debit card or by transferring funds from your bank account. We do not accept cheque or cash deposits. Please ensure that any payment you make to fund your account is from a card or account in your name. Any payment from third-party sources will be returned. We do not accept AMEX or Diners cards. If you send funds to us from outside of the UK, then additional charges may apply to bank transfers. Charges will be deducted from the payment amount and net proceeds credited to your trading account. Any cards you wish to register to your account will need to be enrolled with 3D secure (Verified by VISA or MasterCard Secure Code) for payments to successfully be credited to your account. Please note we will only take deposit requests over the phone if your account is approaching margin call.
Once you have received confirmation that your account has been opened and you have verified your email address, you can log in via our website. To sign in you will need to enter your registered email address and password as used on your application form, then, select live or demo account.
Your account number can be found in the top left-hand corner of your platform screen. You can also find your account number in the email that you received confirming your account is open.
On the iPhone and iPad, select the 'More' button, and on Android devices go to the side menu, and choose 'Switch Accounts'.
We may use your information to make further enquiries about you, including checks to combat fraud. We do not sell your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes. For further information, please read our privacy and security policy, which explains in more detail how we deal with the personal information you provide us.
Click or tap on the 'Sell' or 'Buy' price and an order ticket will appear. Choose between 'Market Order', 'Limit Order', or 'Stop Entry Order', input the trade size and then hit enter, add any 'Stop Loss' and 'Take Profit' levels and then place your trade. On our mobile apps you can swipe from left to right anywhere on the order ticket to reveal a chart and use price sliders to set trade levels directly from the chart. Tablets use the extra screen space to display the chart to the left of the order ticket with your relevant order price and risk management levels shown against historical price action. Remember that information relating to past performance does not indicate future performance.

Switching to Blackwave Markets FAQs

For professional clients, we offer competitive monthly cash rebates for eligible clients who trade in high volumes. Learn more about our Blackwave Pro account
Our award-winning* trading platform, mobile apps and customer service, competitive pricing and more than 25 years’ experience are just some of the many reasons why clients choose to join us. *Recent awards include: 'Financial Services Provider of the Year', Shares Awards 2013, 2014 & 2015; 'Best CFD Provider' & 'Best Mobile/Tablet Trading Application', Shares Awards 2015; 'Best Mobile/Tablet Application', Online Personal Wealth Awards 2015; 'Best Forex Customer Service', UK Forex Awards 2015; 'Best Investor Education', Shares Awards 2014; 'Best Online Trading Platform', Shares Awards 2013 & 2014; 'Best Trading Platform Features' & 'Best Mobile Trading', Investment Trends 2014 UK Leveraged Trading Report, based on highest user satisfaction among spread bettors, CFD traders and FX traders.
If you want to bring over any equity positions you hold with other CFD providers, we may be able to arrange for them to be transferred into your Blackwave Markets account without attracting a commission charge.*