Platform FAQs
Funding and withdrawals FAQs
Charges FAQs
1. The account is closed by the client or Blackwave Markets.
2. Trading activity recommences on the account.
3. The balance of the account is reduced to zero.
Once the balance of a dormant account has reduced to zero, we will not deduct further monthly inactivity charges from the dormant account. A dormant account will not incur a negative balance as a result of the deduction of the monthly inactivity charge. If you decide to reactivate your dormant account by trading again, the inactivity charge for up to three previous months (up to a maximum of £30) where this has already been deducted will be refunded to your account.
Price adjustments FAQs
Products FAQs
Products FAQs
ID verification FAQs
Trading problems FAQs
Getting started FAQs
Security FAQs
Complaints FAQs
Our goal is to ensure a high level of service to all our customers at all times. We value any feedback from our customers and use it to improve our products and service.
We are aware that mistakes may happen from time to time or misunderstandings may arise. We commit ourselves to dealing with inquiries and complaints in a positive and understanding way. In cases in which we are wrong, we will endeavor to remedy any error as quickly as possible.
Customer complaints
If your request has not been resolved to your satisfaction or if you wish to file a complaint, please contact our Customer Service.
If your complaint is in relation to an account you hold with Blackwave Markets Germany GmbH, you can at anytime contact the German regulatory authority, the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht:
Banking and insurance spervision:
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
Graurheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn
Fax: + 49 (0) 228 4108-1550
Securities supervision / asset management: Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28, 60439 Frankfurt am Main
Fax: + 49 (0) 228 4108-123
Telephone: +49 (0) 228/4108 - 0
Email: poststelle@bafin.de
Internet: www.bafin.de
In addition, if you are a consumer, you can contact the Public Arbitration Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank with brief descriptions of the facts and the documents required to understand the complaint.
The address of the arbitration board is:
German Bundesbank
Arbitration board
PO Box 11 12 32
60047 Frankfurt am Main
Further information, in particular a leaflet and the conciliation regulations are available on the website of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
Complaints handling and escalation to the regulator/ombudsman Regardless of whether the complaint is in relation to an account you hold with Blackwave Markets Germany GmbH or Blackwave Markets UK plc, if you raise your complaint directly with us, we will promptly acknowledge receipt of your complaint and provide you with a contact person. Your complaint will be handled by a person who was not directly involved in the concerns of your complaint.
We strive to process your complaint as quickly as possible and to communicate the result to you. If we are unable to respond to your complaint within 5 business days of receipt, we will keep you informed of the status of your complaint until our investigation is completed.
The investigation into your complaint is based on: the facts of the complaint, the evidence you provide, evidence from our records, and appropriate regulatory guidelines. We will inform you in writing, which is the result of your complaint including detailed justification and the calculation of a possible compensation, where applicable.
If your complaint has not been resolved within 8 weeks of receipt, we will contact you in writing with the following:
An explanation of why we were unable to provide a final response to your complaint by that time and indicate when we expect to be able to make such a final assessment.
We will also inform you that you can turn to the relevant ombudsman/regulatory body with the complaint in case you are not satisfied with our final rating and send you relevant contact details/information.
If your complaint is in relation to an account you hold with Blackwave Markets Germany GmbH you can contact the German regulatory authority, the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht or the Public Arbitration Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, the details for which are provided above.
If your complaint is in relation to an account you hold with Blackwave Markets UK plc you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (“FOS”). You may contact the FOS if you are dissatisfied with the final assessment or if we need more than 8 weeks from receipt of the complaint for the final assessment. If you wish the FOS to accept your complaint, you should contact them within 6 months of receiving our final review.
The FOS is an independent body with the aim of resolving financial disputes between consumers and financial service providers. The service of the FOS is free of charge. The contact details of the FOS are as follows:
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 0 234 567
A copy of the leaflet of the FOS can be found under the following link:
CFD user guide
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